Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Should Tennagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control Essay Example for Free
Should Tennagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control Essay This raises the question, should teenagers be allowed to receive birth control methods without their parentsââ¬â¢ permission. The answer is teenage girls should not be allowed to receive birth control without parent consent. There are many reasons why birth control methods should not be available to teenagers without their parentââ¬â¢s knowledge. Among the reasons are because this encourages premarital sex, it hinders communication between parent and child, and it forces the child to make adult decisions about medication, and that can be harmful to the teen. Foremost, I believe it is appropriate to keep in mind that one is not granted the ability to vote until they reach the age of 18. Laws and procedures vary from state to state, even though most states do not have a law about receiving birth control methods. But the idea of teens making a decision to add medication into their daily lives is ridiculous, even more since the government has already determined that they are not ready to make an extremely important decision as far as voting. Therefore allowing teens to obtain prescription birth control without parentsââ¬â¢ knowledge interferes with the parent/child relationship. There are rules and regulations that require government funded hospitals to contact parents if their teenager would like to receive prescription birth control and sometimes this encourage sexual activity among teenagers. I feel that if teenagers under 16, need have to have their parentsââ¬â¢ consent to have surgery and to receive medical treatment, birth control should not excluded. Birth control should also be of importance. I believe that parents should know what activities their teenagers are participating in; and since the government holds the parents responsible for our children. Being a parent I feel the parent should have in the situation. I feel that any great parent should care about the interest of their child wants to know whether their teenage daughter is going to the public clinic to get receive birth control; and any good parent would want to help their teenager make the right choices and good decisions on the matter, and to help the teenager from making bad choices without the parentsââ¬â¢ consent. Certain states have laws against people who are under the age of sixteen, when it comes to them having sex. Health risks that are associated with prescribed birth control make it unethical to allow children to obtain these medicines without parent consent. Common side effects of early usage of birth control include nutrient deficiency, weight gain, mood changes, and depression (www. kidshealth. org). A prescribed birth control method also puts users at a higher risk of PMS, depression, migraines, and all kind of maladies (www. womenhealth. org) due to the risk of developing yeast problems. But without having the proper research, a teenager really has no way of knowing or understanding the health risks that comes with taking birth control methods. Therefore, it is important that parentsââ¬â¢ know and be involved in their childrenââ¬â¢s life decisions. Even though their argument is that birth control reduces the number of teen pregnancies, prescribed birth control does not protect an individual from STDââ¬â¢s. If teenagers were able to obtain prescription birth control without prenatal consent, we may actually see a jump in STDââ¬â¢s among teens. Teenagers that are sexually active are a problem that has to be addressed. Curiosity arises in the minds of teenager every, they want to know what sex is all about. My religion which is Christianity, instructs us to wait until they are married to have begun to have sex. But not only in churches is abstinence being preached, but public schools is adding this to their curriculum, and teaching the teenagers about the greatness of keeping their virginity. Teenagers having sex before marriage is a growing issue among teenagers. Sex before marriage is the cause of teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and emotional distress. Sexually transmitted diseases show in a society of teenagers that are having premarital sex, because teenagers have so many different sex partners. Therefore, a result to teenagers having sex is the different disease which is becoming more common in the teenage population. Because, for this is that the teenagers don not know how to use the different birth control methods. Many teenagers believe that the pill or condoms stop the spread of AIDs, other diseases, and herpes so, the contraceptives do not prevent these diseases from spreading. Three million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers are reported each year. (www. helpme. com) There are so many teens that feel that there is nothing wrong in having sex before marriage, but having sexual relations with numerous people from age 15 and 19 doubles the diseases that have been spreading to different people every time. Because teenagers are having more sexual relationships, it seems that it is being more accepted among the public, and this is causing even more teenagers to start in having sexual relationships. Many teens believed that they were pressured into having sex. But if the community has the strength to pressure teenagers into having sex, then society should be using education to help teach teenagers about how bad sex is before marriage. Teenagers that is engaging into sexual activities before marriage is a major cause of teenage pregnancy. Teenagers often believe that they cannot get pregnant, or being a parent cannot happen to them, but the teenage pregnancy rate is on the rise every year. Being careless is a great factoring in teenage pregnancy, whether it is the use of contraceptives, or choosing their sexual partner. Teenagers use the different methods of birth control wrong. Teenagers do not have the adult mentality to choose a partner they want to be with at their age, which causes them to make the wrong decisions about their partners, which cause them to make wrong decisions and here is an unwanted pregnancy. The majority of unwanted pregnancies occur because teenagers do not really do not see how easy it is to become pregnant, or how they should know how to use birth control methods correctly. A lot of teenagers feel that they love their significant other, and so they began plan for a baby but their focus is not to look at the financial obligations that follow. Sex before marriage can play a great role in a teenagerââ¬â¢s emotional factor. Teenagers feel all kinds of, emotional loss after they engage into having sex before marriage. Some teenagers may not feel the emotions of having sex now, but as they get older, life begins to sink in. Rather the teenager experienced having an STDââ¬â¢s or an unplanned pregnancy, they began to regret and this causes the teen to feel bad about them and it causes depression. ââ¬Å"In fact, a great number of teens, active in sexual relationships, and ninety percent actually regret their choices to have sex (www. helpme. com)â⬠. Teenagers feel the shame when their relationship ends because, having sex before marriage is a great causes of depression among teenagers and the parents that feel they are responsible for their childish choices. Many teenagers claim, that abstinence is not cool and that being abstinent is impossible but I am here to tell you it only takes one word ââ¬Å"NOâ⬠! They are economically dependent, and the teen moms are not able to spend time with their children. Whether the parents know that their child is pregnant this really affects the women emotionally and psychologically, her ability to continue going to school, and her finances are affected. Parents should be able to make sure they get all the love that their teenagers need. If the teenagers parents do not know are not aware, there is a problem that the parents and their teenage daughters bond will be messed up at a time when parental support is most important. Now in some cases, I feel that the teenager might not want to tell her parents that she needs birth control or that she is engaging into sexual activities, for example, if a teen has been abused by their parents maybe if they were to tell their parents they would feel threatened for their safety. This may be a circumstance which could get the law involved, it should not be taken advantage of to make it seem like the parents should be consulted over whether underage children should be able to receive birth control or not. For teenagers nearly around the ages of 16 to 18 the case for parental consent is clearly less convincing. There has to be a line drawn somewhere because society has these teenagers feeling they can do whatever they feel and itââ¬â¢s not right. I grew up in a very religious family, and of course my mother did not believe in having sex before marriage. That is why I feel that teenagers both boys and girls should not be able to receive any kind of birth control without their parents knowing. I feel that when a teenage should decide to worry about contraceptives parents should be notified. Too many things are going on in todayââ¬â¢s society. And this just helps with the parent and child relationship because a parent and a child should have a bond that is unbreakable
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Topology Essay -- Mathematics Geometry Essays
Topology Topology is the study of those properties of geometric figures that are unchanged when the shape of the figure is twisted, stretched, shrunk, or otherwise distorted without breaking. It is sometimes referred to as "rubber sheet geometry" (West 577). Topology is a basic and essential part of any post school mathematics curriculum. Johann Benedict Listing introduced this subject, while Euler is regarded as the founder of topology. Mathematicians such as August Ferdinand MÃ ¶bius, Felix Christian Klein, Camille Marie Ennemond Jordan and others have contributed to this field of mathematics. The MÃ ¶bius band, Klein bottle, and Jordan curve are all examples of objects commonly studied. These and other topics prove to be intricate and fascinating mathematical themes. Topologists are mathematicians who study qualitative questions about geometrical structures. They ask questions like does the structure have any holes in it? Is it all connected, or can it be separated into parts? Topologists are not concerned with size, straightness, distance, angle, or other such properties. An often-cited example is the London Underground map. This will not reliably tell you how far it is from Kings Cross to Picadilly, or even the compass direction from one to the other. However, it will tell you how the lines connect between them, using topological rather than geometric information (What 1). Furthermore, if one figure can be distorted into another figure without breaking, then the two figures are described as being topologically equivalent to each other. Two examples of topologically equivalent figures are a coffee cup and doughnut, and groups of the letters of the alphabet. First, an object shaped like a doughnut is a torus. A torus can... ...and. New York:Oxford University Press, 1993. "Felix Christian Klein." Available Online. Accessed 12/4/99. Flegg, Graham. From Geometry to Topology. New York: Crane, Russak, and Company, Inc.,1974. "Jordan Curve Theorem and its Generalizations." Available Online. Accessed 12/6/99. "Marie Ennemond Camille (1838-1922)." Available Online. Accessed 12/6/99. "What is Topology?" Available Online. Accessed 12/4/99. West, Beverly Henderson, and others. "Topology." The Prentice-Hall Encyclopedia of Mathematics. 1982. 21: 577-585. Yaglom, I.M. Felix Klein and Sophus Lie. Boston: Birkhauser Boston, 1988.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Design And Construction Fundamentals Of Earth Engineering Essay
Abstraction: This paper focuses on Earth dikes, one of the oldest dike in the universe. Forming service reservoir for domestic H2O supply and irrigation intent, Earth dams comprise the most legion category. The design and building of Earth dikes is complex because of the nature of the changing foundation conditions and the different belongingss of the stuffs available for the building of the embankment. Careful choice of site and types of stuffs used in the building every bit good as a site probe are critical. Last but non least, an apprehension of the possible failure of Earth dikes is of import in the design and building procedure of the Earth dikes.1. IntroductionEarth dikes, besides called Earthen or Earth-filled dikes are by and large built in or near drainage line which has assortment of intents including domestic H2O supplies, agricultural irrigation, H2O for landscape betterment and others. One advantage of the Earth dike is that it can accommodate to a weak foundation provid ed proper consideration is given to the foundation and design of the Earth dikes. However, failure of any of import portion of the Earth dikes such as ooze, structural and foundation will take to the prostration of the whole dike.Types of Earth DamsConstructed as a simple homogeneous embankment of good compacted Earth, Earth dikes are classified as Homogenous Earth Dams, Zoned Earth Dams and Diaphragm Dams. A brief treatment of the types of dike is as follow: Homogeneous Earth Dam is a sort of common Earth dikes which consist of two chief constituents ; the imperviable to semi-pervious construction and the toe filter and the drain. The intent of the filter and the drain is to supply a done manner for ooze to go out the dike construction without doing eroding. This type of dike is normally built on an imperviable foundation such as solid stone or clay. The following type of Earth dike is Diaphragm Dam. A stop dike, can be used when there is no imperviable bed below the dike and alteration of the dike can be made to accommodate at an imperviable bed. Besides, this type of dike is limited to a tallness of 8.0m in order to maintain ooze forces at a safe degree. Last type of Earth Dam is Zoned Dam. A Zoned Dam is known to be the most efficient usage of dirt as each stuff is used to its greatest potency. The incline protection protects the shoulder from eroding and beckon action, the nucleus retains the H2O and the shoulders stabilize the nucleus. Last, Figure 1 shows the 3 types of Earth dikes. Figure 1. Cross subdivision of Homogenous Earth dike, Zoned Earth Dam and Diaphragm Dams ( Stone, 2003 ) .2. Design OF EARTH DAMEarth dike is built for the intent of hive awaying H2O and is made of compacted Earth. It is normally more convenient when concrete is expensive and timber beginning is scarce.2.1 FoundationA site probe should be conducted anterior to building so as to look into the nature of the foundation. By cognizing the existent foundation status at site, the Earth dike can so be designed harmonizing to it. A dike foundation is said to be equal if it is capable of supplying a stable support for the embankment under all status of impregnation and burden and that it supply adequate opposition to seepage to avoid inordinate loss of H2O ( Bureau of Reclamation 1987 ) . Harmonizing to Bureau of Reclamation ( 1987 ) , dam foundation can be by and large classified into three types viz. foundation of stone, foundation of farinaceous stuff and foundation of powdered stuff. These foundations may necessitate to be treated to stabilise any failing every bit good as to cut down ooze. For case, farinaceous, pervious foundations present no troubles in the affair of colony or stableness whereas a powdered, weak foundation is capable to colony or supplanting normally present no job in ooze. Rock foundation on the other manus must be checked for erosive escape and inordinate uplift force per unit area. If such conditions exist, grouting to the foundation must be considered.2.2 DirtEarth dike is normally built with clay, sand and crushed rock and hence is besides known as Earth make full dike. The type of dirt used in the building of an Earth dike must be suited to let for optimal compression every bit good to cut down ooze. Soil permeableness is one of of import standards to be considered in dam design, seepage-confinement units, drainage and other structural elements ( Goldin, AL & A ; Rasskazov, LN 1992 ) . Higher frictional opposition and greater permeableness in farinaceous dirts is the ground for its greater stableness as compared to cohesive dirts. Greater permeableness permits rapid dissipation of pore H2O force per unit areas ensuing from compressive forces.2.3 EmbankmentIn finding the tallness of the embankment, it is necessary to apportion for a colony between 5 to 10 per centum. This is to forestall its tallness from going lower than the wasteweir tallness ( Figure 2 ) since colony is ineluctable despite holding a good compression due to the fact that air and H2O are being forced out of the nothingnesss by the weight of the dike, therefore doing consolidation ( Shaw, R & A ; Smout, I 2009 ) . During compression, equal attempt should be applied throughout the dike to forestall differential colony. The minimal compression attempt should non be less than 95 % of the Standard Maximum Dry Density ( Department of Primary Industries and Water 2008 ) . The stableness of the embankment depends mostly on its ability to defy shear emphasis which comes from internally applied tonss such as the weight of the dirt and the embankment inclines, and externally applied tonss such as reservoir and Earthquake tonss. As mentioned earlier, steeper inclines can be adopted for farinaceous dirts since they are more stable. In contrast, a gentler incline needs to be applied for homogeneous stuff with low permeableness. Figure 2. Cross subdivision of an Earth dike2.4 SpillwaySpillway plays an of import function in Earth dike since it allows inordinate H2O to flux without dominating the dike wall. There are two types of wasteweir viz. the cut wasteweir ( Figure 3 ) and natural wasteweir. Figure 3. The place of a cut wasteweir In order to cut down H2O speed and later minimise eroding, a soft incline for wasteweir must be provided. However, for steep incline, loose rocks or geotextile can be provided to cut down eroding. Apart from that, equal capacity for the wasteweir must be provided to forestall dominating and to enable the wasteweir to efficaciously manage run-off.3. Construction ON EARTH DAMS3.1 DeprivingOrganic dirt and flora must be removed from the country that will be covered by the dam base. The removed organic dirt are stockpiled and used on the downstream incline of the fill.3.2 Key trenchKey trench which is besides known as cutoff trench is excavated below the base of the fill to a lower limit of three pess deep for dike with 10 to 12 pess height. The cardinal trench is included in the dike design to procure the dike to the base stuff and to forestall ooze under the fill.3.3 Diversion tunnelDiversion channels are excavated before the dike can be constructed. This tunnel is frequently lined with concrete. The tunnel is built around the dike building country at one side of the vale. In the drill holes, explosive stuffs are placed and blaring will takes topographic point. The dirt or broke n stone is so removed. The stairss are repeated until the tunnel is completed. Figure 4. Constructing a recreation channel ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) In Figure 5, after the dike building is completed, the recreation channel is closed o let the lake to get down make fulling. Figure 5. Closing of recreation tunnel ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )3.4 CofferdamIn summer, the building on deviating the river starts when the river degrees are low. At the upstream of the upstream of the chief dike building country, little dike which is besides called as caisson are built. It is built utilizing Earth-moving equipment. The caisson will move as a barrier to the river and the H2O will flux to the recreation tunnels. The 2nd caisson will be built downstream of the chief dike building country. At this country, the caisson will forestall the river flow to flux back into the building country. Figure 6. Cofferdams act as barriers to the river ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )3.5 Foundation GroutingGrouting consists of lines or a line of holes which are drilled into the dike foundation. The two types of foundation grouting are drape and consolidation grouting.3.6 Curtain groutingCurtain grouting consists of a individual row of urarthritis holes which are drilled and grouted in sequence by bagger proving to the base of the permeable stone or to a deepness that acceptable hydraulic gradients are achieved ( Fell et al 2005 ) . Based on Figure 7, primary holes are drilled foremost. The last hole spacing will usually be 1.5m or 4m, but besides may be every bit close as 0.5m ( Fell et al 2005 ) . This attack allows control over the efficiency of the drape grouting. Figure 7. Curtain and consolidation grouting ( Fell et al, 2005 ) Figure 8. Grouting downstage with bagger ( WRC, 1981 )3.7 Fill buildingEarth dike is normally constructed from imperviable stuff which is clay or clay-based stuff. The building stuffs, taken from the environing country have to be placed and compacted horizontally in the fill. Dry dirts are normally added with wet and compression equipment such as a sheepsfoot bagger is used to obtain the proper compression. The building started by make fulling the cutoff trench with well-compacted stuff and six inch beds is added until the maximal tallness is obtained. The top of the dike at the centre of the draw is normally built 10 per cent higher than the design to let colony of the fill. Based on Figure 9, a riparian pipe is placed through the underside of the fill and a frost-free valve is placed on the riparian pipe. This pipe and valve system map is to let H2O to be released downstream to other H2O storage installations during H2O deficits. Figure 9. Elevation position of dike ( hypertext transfer protocol: // $ department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex4613 )4. POTENTIAL FAILURES OF EARTH DAMSPotential failures of dikes have ever been great importance and much attending has been given to safety rating and research due to their black effects. Harmonizing to Fell, MacGregor, Stapledon and Bell ( 2005 ) , 79 % of Earth dikes with less than 30m high suffer more failures than higher dike. This may reflect better design, monitoring and surveillance of larger dike. Potential failures of Earth dike can be grouped into three classs: Fluid mechanicss failure, ooze failure and structural failures. A detail treatment of the types of possible failure of Earth dike is as follow:4.1 Fluid mechanicss FailureFluid mechanicss failure occurs by the surface eroding of the dike by H2O. Fluid mechanicss failure is due to several grounds. One of fluid mechanicss failure is dominating of dikes. Dominating failure occurs when the d egree of the reservoir exceeds the capacity of the dike. Harmonizing to Fell, MacGregor, Stapledon and Bell ( 2005 ) , over-topping is one of the chief causes of failure in Earth dikes. Overtopping may besides be caused by deficient freeboard provided. Figure 10 shows the overtopping of Earth dike. Following, eroding of upstream face ( Figure 11 ) due to uninterrupted wave action caused eroding of the dike. However, this can be avoided if the surface is protected by rock rip-rap and filter. The following ground is due to eroding of downstream incline by rain H2O. Although the downstream face of the embankment is non affected by reservoir H2O, it may acquire eroded by heavy rain fluxing down the face of the dike, doing the formation of gullies and eventually prostration of the whole dike. An Example of failure of Earth dikes due to dominating is South Fork Dam which is built across Conemaugh River, Pennsylvania. The intent of the dike was to provide H2O to a navigable canal from Johnstown to Pittsburg. The dike was about 2.5m high and during a heavy rainstorm on 30th May 1889, big sum of dust was washed into the reservoir and blocked the wasteweir. Finally the dike was overtopped and failed by eroding let go ofing a inundation moving ridge about 1.2m high. Figure 10. Overtopping of dike ensuing in washout ( Bassell, 1999 ) . Figure 11. Erosion of upstream face by moving ridges interrupting on the surface ( Bassell, 1999 ) .4.2 Seepage failureSeepage failure is besides known as piping failure. Seepage failures are by and large caused by pervious foundation, escape through embankments, conduit escape and shedding. All dikes have seepage as the impounded H2O seeks way of least opposition through the dike construction and its foundation. If the surface ooze intersects the upstream face of the dike, eroding may happen which will take to possible failure of the dike. Typical method used to command the measure of ooze is rock fills installed at the downstream toe or gravel covers to cross the line of ooze before it reaches downstream toe as shown in Figure12. Figure 12. Seepage through a dike or embankment with stone toe or crushed rock cover. ( Stone, 2003 )4.3 Structural FailureStructural failure includes failure of the upstream, downstream inclines of the Earth dike, foundation every bit good as checking distortion and colony ( Figure 13 ) of the dike construction that may take to dominating or seepage failure. Slides in embankment occur when the inclines are excessively steep ( Figure 14 ) for the shear strength of the embankment stuff to defy the emphasiss imposed. Failure of this type normally cause by defective design and building. As for foundation failure, it occurs because of inordinate pore H2O force per unit area which reduces the strength of the dirt which it may non be able to defy the shear emphasiss induced by the embankment. Furthermore, harm caused by tunneling animate beings lead to structural failure. This causes seepage H2O to flux out rapidly, transporting all right stuffs along which accordingly leads to shrieking failure within the construction of the dike and eventually take to a complete prostration of the dike. Figure 13. Excessive colony of dike and foundation ( Bassell, 1999 ) . Figure 14. Downstream face excessively steep unable to be resisted by dirt shear strength ( Bassell, 1999 ) .5. DecisionEarth dike, besides known as Earth filled dike, is built for the intent of hive awaying H2O. It can be classified into three different types which vary in their designs. A site probe must be conducted prior to plan and building to find the appropriate design that suits the foundation of the dike. The type of dirt used in the building of the Earth dike must let for optimal compression. The stableness of the dirt will so act upon the incline design of the embankment. During building, flora and organic dirt will be removed from the dam country. Water will be diverted to let for building. In add-on, grouting is besides done to assist better the foundation. When planing and building an Earth dike, it is besides critical to see possible dike failures so as to take considerations to forestall it.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Adult Behavior Stems From Childhood Experiences - 1441 Words
In recent years, numerous studies arose that prove that adult behaviour stems from childhood experiences (Baer, online). The actions and decisions that one makes as a child are often similar to the choices that one makes an adult. Similarly, the relationships formed as a child will reflect the relationships that that same child is likely to form later on in life. Therefore, it is extremely important that childhood is the innocent carefree period of life that it is intended to be; otherwise, one risks encountering numerous challenges during adulthood. Robertson Davies illustrated this fact through his novel Fifth Business, where the three protagonists are all victims of the same incident: a snowball hits the back of Mrs. Dempsterââ¬â¢s head,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Dunstan Ramsay proved such fact when he recounted the conversation he had had with Boy : It was some time before I [Dunstan] tumbled to the fact that that Boy needed me as someone in whose presence he could think aloud, and that a lot of his thinking was about the inadequacy of the wife he had chosen to share his high destiny. (Davies, 154) Thus, Boy spends a good portion of his time complaining about the fact that his wife, a lady who tries her absolute best to please him, is not sufficient for his standards. Likewise, Boy Staunton rich childhood resulted in his acquaintances forming relationships with him for his money, not for his character. Thus, as an adult, Boy is incapable of loving anyone but himself, as he never received true affection as a child, only a multitude of people trying to please him. Such behaviour is demonstrated through his relationship with his son David. Not once in the entire book does Boy show proper fatherly affection to David. Indeed, Boy often gives his son advice and gifts; however, they are all attempts to shape David into his ideal of a man. Hence, it is quite evident that Boyââ¬â¢s childhood of riches shaped his personality to one of a self-centered man incapable of thinking of anyone but himself. . Such tendencies were also present in Paul Dempsterââ¬â¢s life; after suffering a traumatized childhood, Paul grew up to be a man whoShow MoreRelatedThe Developmental Theories By Erik Erikson And Jean Piaget1728 Words à |à 7 Pagesexciting and challenging. ââ¬Å"Before we can think about the world and our experiences we must first get to know it. 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